Hair Loss Treatments- Surgical

Hair Transplant Surgery & PRP Therapy

Hair transplantation surgery has improved remarkably in the past decade and reassuringly the days of “plugs and corn rows” are gone. Instead, Dr. Rosenberg creates natural appearing hairlines with a technique called follicular unit transplantation.

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Modern Hair Transplantation

Hair transplant surgery has attained new levels of excellence in the past decade. In our practice Dr. Rosenberg embraces these advancements and now emphasizes the importance of maintaining healthy hair density as part of sustaining a beautiful and vibrant face. It is the combination of Dr. Rosenberg’s artistic eye and superb surgical skill that restores thickness and natural appearing hair lines for both our men and women patients. In terms of methodology, Dr. Rosenberg performs Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and Follicular Unit Transfer (FUT) techniques for hair restoration. Each approach creates aesthetically beautiful outcomes with the difference being how the donor hair is gathered. With FUE, individual hair follicles are transferred one at a time, from the back of the scalp, where hair is densest, to the frontal area where hair has thinned. The main advantage of this method relates to the “scarless” donor area which allows patients to wear their hair very short without revealing any signs of surgery.  Like FUE, the Follicular Unit Transfer (FUT) method collects the hair to be transplanted from the back of the scalp. However, instead of removing one hair at a time, this approach takes a “donor strip” that contains thousands of follicles. Under the microscope each follicle is individually separated from the strip and then transplanted into the area of need. The main advantage of FUT is it allows the transplantation of many thousands of follicles within a single day session which tends to be more than FUE achieves. It is important to realize the choice of technique is individualized to each patient and will be discussed during the initial hair transplant consultation.

On The Day of Hair Transplantation

All of our hair procedures take place in our gorgeous facility called Manhattan Facial Surgical Suites LLC. On the morning of surgery a small amount of long lasting numbing injection is used to anesthetize the scalp, a little Valium is given to relieve anxiety. The experience is so comfortable that most patients watch movies, read books or listen to music during the several hours they spend at the center. If a patient during their initial consultation expresses a wish to undergo the procedure with light sedation, we have our anesthesiologist present for the whole time of the procedure.

After Surgery

At the end of a hair transplant surgery session the patient may return home or for out of town patients to their hotel room. There are no dressings or drains present. On the next day patients bathe and two days after surgery gently wash their hair. For the first week the forehead may appear slightly swollen, the back of the scalp will feel tight and small scabs will sit where the transplants were placed. But these all soon disappear and the patient can then return to normal social, work and physical activities. Dr. Rosenberg likes to describe the growth of transplanted hair like that of “seeds in a garden.” New hair growth takes several months to begin but then becomes rooted and ever more healthy. At twelve weeks most patients begin to notice new hair growth and once 9-12 months have passed the results become thrilling.

Non Surgical Treatment for Women’s Hair Loss

One of the most distressing physical changes women may experience with advancing age is the thinning and loss of their hair. While most people associate hair loss only with men, nearly half of women suffer from diminished hair density by the age of fifty. For these women, the progressively thinning hair can be emotionally devastating and creates a feeling of hopelessness.

In our practice we perform  a “lunchtime” treatment for  women’s hair loss called Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Injections. Additionally, we offer a unique product directed at stimulating women’s hair growth.

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) injections involves our drawing a small amount of blood from the patient and then centrifuging it with specific medicines to concentrate the powerful growth factors and anti-inflammatory components of the blood. This “PRP” is then gently and painlessly injected into the hair loss area of the scalp. This process takes 30 minutes and demands no recovery time. With several PRP treatments and the continued application of our topical treatments, most of our patients notice their hair loss stops.  Additionally, over 80% of our treated patient’s hair has grown thicker and denser.

It is this “lunchtime” treatment approach that has the most potential to help women patients with hair loss. However, it is also important to know that treating female hair loss is challenging and frustrating. At times, the responses to treatment can be less than hoped for and some patients grow disappointed with their outcomes. However, all patients coming through our center feel comforted they have done everything possible to improve the health and thickness of their hair. Additionally, many women with hair loss are candidates for hair transplantation, but this does not fall into the “lunchtime” treatment category.

If you wish to know more about Hair Restoration, please schedule a consultation with Dr. Rosenberg. Click here to schedule an appointment.

Relative Articles and Videos

Read more about thinning hair treatments in this New York Times Article click here.

Watch this video about PRP hair loss treatments:

To learn more about hair loss – please visit our sister website at:

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